The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification, or CMMC, has been a topic of conversation for a few years within the Defense Industrial Base (DIB). CMMC is a unified standard for implementing cybersecurity across the DIB, which includes over 300,000 companies in the supply chain. The CMMC is the DoD’s response to significant compromises of sensitive defense information located on contractors’ information systems. The US Department of Defense (DoD) released the much-anticipated Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) version 1.0•• on January 31, 2020. Since then, CMMC has undergone much scrutiny and discussion. Here is a timeline of CMMC:

September 2020: The CMMC program published by the DoD (now known as CMMC 1.0). This framework assesses a Defense Industrial Base (DIB) contractor’s compliance with a set of cybersecurity standards.

November 2020: A Presidential interim rule became effective, establishing a five-year phase-in period and requiring compliance with NIST 800-71 rules.

March 2021: The DoD announced an internal review of CMMC’s implementation.

November 2021: The DoD announced CMMC 2.0, and updated program and requirements designed to meet certain goals, including:

  • Protecting sensitive information to enable and protect the warfighter.
  • Dynamically enhance DIB cybersecurity to meet evolving threats.
  • Ensuring accountability while minimizing barriers to compliance with DoD requirements.
  • Contributing to a collaborative culture of cybersecurity and cyber resilience.
  • Maintaining public trust through high professional and ethical standards.

Vulnerability management is a critical component of IT compliance for certain businesses and industries. Be sure to check out these compliance regulations.

What Is Vulnerability Management?

Vulnerability management is a process of identifying, assessing, and remediating security vulnerabilities in an organization’s IT environment. This includes networks, systems, applications, and other resources that protect sensitive data. Organizations utilize vulnerability scanners and other tools to scan their network for weaknesses that malicious actors can exploit. Vulnerability management is an integral part of an organization’s overall cybersecurity strategy since it helps ensure the highest level of security against the most common threats.

What Makes Your Business More Vulnerable?

There are many factors that can make your business more vulnerable to attack. These include:

  • Outdated software and operating systems: If your business runs outdated or unsupported software and operating systems, it could leave you vulnerable to attack from hackers or malicious software.
  • Weak passwords: Using weak or common passwords makes it easier for hackers to gain access to your networks and systems.
  • Lack of security training: Without proper security awareness training, employees may unknowingly increase the risk of a data breach by clicking suspicious links or downloading unsafe files.
  • Unsecured Wi-Fi networks: Open Wi-Fi networks without encryption can be easily infiltrated by attackers looking to access your private information.
  • Poor patch management practices: Failing to regularly patch critical system vulnerabilities could expose you to attacks from malicious programs or hackers exploiting those weaknesses.

The Importance of Vulnerability Testing

Vulnerability testing is a key element of an effective vulnerability management program. Through vulnerability testing, organizations can identify any existing weaknesses in their IT infrastructure that need to be addressed before they become serious problems. When vulnerabilities are discovered through testing, they should be remediated as soon as possible to minimize any potential associated risks. Regular vulnerability tests should also be conducted periodically to identify any new threats or vulnerabilities introduced since the last test was performed.

Eight Common Vulnerability Management Mistakes

As the world of cybersecurity continues to evolve, businesses must stay ahead of the curve to protect their data and assets. However, many organizations make common mistakes during vulnerability management, leaving them open to attack.

1. Failing to share responsibility: Cybersecurity responsibility should not be assigned to one person or department alone. Instead, it should be shared across all departments and levels of the organization. Everyone in the organization must understand cybersecurity’s importance and role in protecting the company’s data and assets.

2. Not prioritizing or addressing the biggest threats: When it comes to vulnerability management, businesses need to prioritize and address the biggest threats. This means understanding which threats are most likely to cause damage and developing mitigation strategies to combat them. By focusing on these high-priority threats, organizations can avoid leaving themselves open to exploitation.

3. Lack of employee training: Security training is critical to any successful vulnerability management strategy. Without proper training, employees may not know how to recognize phishing emails or other signs of malicious activity.

4. Not understanding your IT Code: Many businesses fail to understand their IT code and how it relates to cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Companies need to review their code regularly for any potential flaws that could lead to a security breach.

5. Failing to track code: It’s important for businesses to track their code as they develop new software or applications so they know what is being used and where it came from initially. This allows companies to quickly identify potential vulnerabilities before they become serious issues that could compromise their entire system’s security infrastructure.

6. Failing to integrate security into development: All too often, companies don’t integrate security into development until after they have released a product or application. By then, it’s too late! Properly integrating security into development ensures that developers build secure applications from the start, preventing serious security issues.

7. Delaying upgrades: Staying up to date with software updates is key when keeping your business safe from cyberthreats, like malware or ransomware attacks. But many companies delay these updates out of fear that something might go wrong during an upgrade process. This can lead your business to vulnerability in the long run when attackers exploit those same bugs.

8. Relying on outdated information: The cyber landscape is constantly changing as new threats emerge, meaning old information about cyberthreats may no longer be relevant. Businesses should stay informed with current industry news so they can adjust their approach accordingly as needed, ensuring their databases remain secure at all times.

If your business is looking to avoid the costs of a data breach, be sure to check out this article that takes a deep dive into identifying phishing.

IT Compliance Regulations

The Benefits of Vulnerability Testing

Businesses must identify vulnerabilities in their systems before attackers do. This is where vulnerability testing comes into play, and working with a managed security services provider (MSSP) like Braxton-Grant Technologies can offer numerous benefits.

Identifying Weaknesses

A managed security services provider like Braxton-Grant Technologies can provide expert insight into the latest vulnerabilities and trends in cyberattacks, ensuring your organization is aware of the latest threats and prepared to defend against them.

Saves Time and Money

Conducting vulnerability testing in-house requires significant resource investment, including hardware, software, and personnel. By outsourcing this task, businesses can focus on their core operations, while experts from Braxton-Grant Technologies take care of cybersecurity needs.

Complying With Regulations

Many industries, such as healthcare and finance, have specific regulations that organizations must comply with to avoid penalties and legal liabilities. Working with a managed service provider like Braxton-Grant can ensure your organization meets compliance requirements.

Customized Testing

Different businesses have different requirements for cybersecurity, and a one-size-fits-all approach is unsuitable. By working with Braxton-Grant, companies can receive customized vulnerability testing to meet their specific needs and address potential vulnerabilities in their infrastructure.

Trust Braxton-Grant Technologies With Cybersecurity Vulnerability Testing Today

Braxton-Grant Technologies offers the ideal way to protect your company against cyberattacks. Our managed security services give you all the advantages of a full in-house IT team at a more affordable rate. We offer cost-efficient cybersecurity strategies and actively monitor potential dangers, keeping your business secure. Contact us today for industry-leading vulnerability management testing.